Holiday captain

The owner and the chef is me, Captain Cat. Depending on your whishes a pantry girl can assist you on board with drinks and snacks. As an owner of a classic yacht for more than 25 years (, I am proud to invite you on one of the most beautiful vintage yachts in the world still afloat today, Javelin. Besides classic yacht sailing I have always found interest in cooking. For 10 years I have been a chef at Cuisine Cullinair Rotterdam. Not very advanced but always a success is traditional Dutch Captains Dinner with Pirate pudding for desert!
The area around Ischia, Capri, Sorento and Positano is beautifull but the sea is a world of its own. Its my job to introduce you to the world of classic yachting, traveling through the waves and through time with majestic urgency.
Some are looking for a more active experiences and they are free to work this old lady with me. I am flexible in sailing distances and if you like we can even spend a night sailing under a fantastic Mediterranean constellation. Whatever we do, it should be learning, relaxing and fun.
Lets party!